Marriage Counselling?

  • Rikkan is bragging about his lady friend (who still won’t marry him!) to Fezz, when Ziba happens along and offers some assistance.

May 5, 3019


Long piers run out into the gentle water of the bay – the high cliffs of the headlands rising up on either side. There are numerous ships at dock here – sleek, black-sailed Corsairs; fat-bellied merchants – and among them, smaller vessels. Fishing boats, sailing boats, finely painted yachts with brilliant sails clearly owned by the wealthy and noble. The harbormaster’s office sits squarely in front of the gates into the city – all commerce in and out is checked to be sure the appropriate taxes have been paid.

A canal fills a giant cistern here – from whence ships may replenish their stores of fresh water. The overflow runs into the bay itself.

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Maybe Allies

  • Ziba brings a delivery to Seaward Tower and finds a way to speak quietly with Celegnith.

May 4, 3019

It’s already a clear and beautiful day in Umbar. The hour is not long past dawn, and the more esteemed of the Tower’s inhabitants are still tucked in their beds or only just waking up. The majority of the young and the strong in the kitchen, however, have been hustled out to the Hall to await the arrival of merchants making the morning deliveries before the breakfast meal. 

While many flit about and chatter away in rapidly spoken Haradric to their fellow slaves, some stand quietly and obediently waiting for their instructions. Celegnith is among the latter, but it seems his lack of chatter this morning can mostly be attributed to the fact that he’s not yet fully awake. The child yawns deeply, a little hand covering his mouth even as he rubs his hands through unruly black hair.

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